Swim Basics

Learn the Basics
Whether you're a beginner, just need a refresher, or have kids learning to swim, dive into this reading to sharpen your skills.

Water Safety
Safety is paramount when it comes to swimming. Be aware of the following and always stay alert when in the water to avoid injury.
- Be aware of the depth of the water you're entering. Never dive into shallow water.
- Always swim with others or have a lifeguard present.
- Ensure you have safe entry and exit points, and if you are swimming in a natural body of water, learn rip current safety and respect wildlife.
- Know and respect your own personal limits when it comes to strength and endurance, and stop swimming when you are fatigued.
Before you start swimming, you want to know how to maneuver in the water so that you can get used to it and have a solid base in which you can grow skills and confidence.

Getting Comfortable
- Start off by just entering the water, and walking around in the shallow end.
- Take a big breath, submerge your face into the water with eyes closed, and try exhaling to create bubbles.
- Try to float on your back, and then on your stomach, practicing holding your breath and blowing bubbles. You can hold onto the wall at first if you'd like. If you ever feel panicked in deeper water, you can always float to relax yourself.
- Go to the edge of the pool, hold on to the edge, and lift your legs up to practice kicking by alternating lifting and dropping your legs.

Types of Strokes
Now that you've got the basics down, let's learn some techniques!

Breast Stroke
Pull, breathe, kick, and glide! This basic stroke involves you starting off facing the water. Your arms should start out in front of you as you 'pull the water apart' in a semi-circle motion and back towards your sides. Simultaneously bend your knees inward and outward doing a similar semi-circular motion, pulling in and then pushing your legs outward. You will keep your head above water as you pull, and then drop your head below the water as you glide forward.

Front Crawl
Start facing the water. Your arms and legs will simultaneously be in motion. Your arms make a windmill motion by reaching one arm ahead of you, palm down, and pulling it back all the way through the water. Right as you finish one motion, your other arm will do the same one, so that you are alternating. While you do this, you will be consistently flutter kicking your legs. (The same pattern learned in our basics section.) Be sure to be breathing every few strokes by turning your head to the side.

Back Crawl
Similar to the Front Crawl, you will flutter kick while dragging your arms in alternating circles from front to back. However, in this stroke you are facing away from the water on your back.

Notoriously difficult, this stroke is for experienced and strong swimmers. Face the water, arms and legs long. Move your arms outward then down as you push your head down and bring your hips forward. As you pull your arms back towards your thighs, bring your head back above water and continue to push your arms backward up and out of the water to the original position using momentum from kicking your legs downward simultaneously.